Crime and anti-social behaviour have worsened in Bayswater and Lancaster Gate under Mayor Khan. So, we’re calling on Westminster City Council to implement a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in our part of Westminster.
In our neighbouring borough, Kensington & Chelsea, Conservative teams successfully campaigned for a PSPO in Earl’s Court, which is now in effect. That area has historically suffered from many of the same problems we see today in Bayswater and Lancaster Gate so we are calling for a similar response from Westminster Council.
A PSPO defines a series of prohibitions within a particular area and gives the Police enhanced powers to deal with individual breaches.
We have suggested the PSPO should cover:
- ∗ Drug use and dealing
- ∗ Alcohol consumption
- ∗ Abusive behaviour
- ∗ Aggressive begging
- ∗ Loitering
- ∗ Littering (spitting)
- ∗ Urinating & defecating
- ∗ Cycling on the pavement
If you feel as strongly as we do about solving crime and anti-social behaviour in the area, please take a moment to sign our petition.