At this week's Westminster Council meeting, Regent's Park Councillor Robert Rigby secured the support of the Labour-led Council for people living on the Cochrane Street estate.
Cllr Rigby said,
"... in my ward, I have an ongoing housing issue which concerns the potential loss of valuable social housing.
"The Eyre Estate own the land on which this important Octavia-managed social housing is located.
"However, the lease on that land is due to expire in a mere 13 years time and residents are naturally worried, as we would expect, about the potential of having to move away from the area.
"Will the Cabinet Member support me and my ward colleagues in lobbying both the Eyre Estate and Octavia to ensure these residents are not forced away? Yes or no?"
The Cabinet Member replied
"Thank you very much for the question. That is very concerning. And yes, I will be happy to support you."