We have listened to residents’ concerns about delivery motorcycle drivers in Bayswater and have had several discussions with the police and the council to address this.
This has involved a number of mediations with Deliveroo who have consequently added a ‘professional behaviours’ course in their induction, with drivers deployed to Bayswater undergoing an additional, Bayswater specific, training to make them aware of local areas of contention.
Deliveroo is working with us to identify problematic drivers and take action as required. They have set up direct lines of communication to speak directly to residents and can be contacted on [email protected] or 0203 699 9977. Please quote the driver registration number wherever possible. (It helps us track the issue if you could cc the council and your councillors into any communication.)
We have been working closely with the council to identify a congregating location for the Deliveroo drivers, instead of finding spots on the corners of residential roads. We believe we have found a temporary location for a trial and hope to be able to report back successfully in our next newsletter.
We have been working with the police to deal with anti-social behaviour by some of the drivers (we note, and would like to stress, that this is the exception and that the majority of drivers are respectfully earning a living). The police have been conducting random checks to monitor the situation. However, if you are aware of any anti-social behaviour please report it by calling the police non-emergency number 111. You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.
This is an ongoing issue we will continue to update you on progress as we find a balance between accommodating technical advances and the ease of home delivery with the needs of residents.