Many of our local businesses have had to make significant changes in the way they trade during the COVID-19 crisis. We have seen restaurants turn to takeaway and delivery, pubs turning to wine shops and the rise of "farm shops" which sell high-quality local produce. In these scenarios, social distancing is maintained and cards are preferred over cash to lessen the risk of transmission. Cllr Elizabeth Hitchcock said "It's fantastic that under such difficult conditions, local businesses have adapted so well to current conditions. We should support these small businesses, which can be found on the Council website."
The Berkeley Hotel has turned over its kitchens to producing 250 free meals a day for those in Sheltered Housing across Westminster as well as a drive through service of a hot meal and coffee or tea for any emergency service worker.
Cllr Rachael Robathan said "This is a fabulous example of a local business doing what it can to support the most vulnerable in the local community as well as those essential workers on the front-line of this emergency. I went over to thank the hotel as well as help out and was really delighted to see how much they are doing to help. They've even devised a clever serving method with a pizza paddle to ensure safe distance!"