The biggest concern raised by our residents over recent months is the increase in drug dealing, open drug taking and begging.
Many of you will aware of the work we have been doing alongside our colleagues at Westminster City Council. Leader, Nickie Aiken, wrote twice to Commissioner Cressida Dick, requesting a more visible police presence and a reverse of the perceived “walk on by” attitude to such criminal activity.
We are delighted that our campaign has succeeded and there has been a huge effort from the police over recent weeks, working alongside the council’s public protection team to focus on making our streets safer and more pleasant. Three drug dealers have been arrested and charged in the last month alone.
We would like to thank all of you who have supported us and to those who have provided us with information and intelligence on suspected drug dealing. It has made an enormous difference, and we know the police are delighted with the information they have received. We won’t relax though and are determined to continue to ensure this great work continues. Please don’t hesitate to contact our local police officer, Ronnie Henderson, or us if you see any suspicious activity. PC Henderson's email is[email protected].