Following a Conservative-instigated review of the premise licence for the Ma Dame Nightclub on Porchester Road, Westminster City Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee have revoked the licence preventing the nightclub from continuing to operate.
At the meeting today (Friday, 22 April), local Police, joined by Conservative Bayswater Cllr Emily Payne, who has been leading the fight against the anti-social nightclub and has played a pivotal part in bringing the review in front of the Committee, heard from residents who had suffered for seven long years; two of whom moved out at weekends because of sleep deprivation.
After long and careful consideration, and in view of the seriousness of the complaints by residents and the failure of Ma Dame’s to promote the objectives of their licence, namely, the prevention of crime and disorder, public nuisance and children from harm, the Committee decided to revoke the nightclub’s licence, their DPS (designated premises supervisor) and their right to sell alcohol. The Committee had no confidence that the owner would promote the licensing objectives even with additional conditions. The action was considered appropriate and proportionate in all of the circumstances.
Your local Bayswater Conservative Action Team - Anna Askew, Cllr Iain Bott, and Henry Shelford - welcomed the decision. Speaking after the meeting, Anna said: “Ma Dame Nightclub’s licence being revoked is great news for local people in Bayswater. It has been a blot on the area for years now. This will give residents the assurance that anti-social behaviour is not welcome and will not be tolerated in our community.”
Iain added: “Thank you to Cllr Emily Payne for her outstanding work in fighting for the local people of Bayswater by holding Ma Dame’s to account once and for all in front of the Licensing Sub-Committee. Thank you also to the local police for their hard work and to residents who attended or wrote in letters objecting. Together we have managed to have the place shut down for the benefit and safety of the Bayswater community.”
Henry said: “We will continue to monitor the actions of Ma Dame’s closely to ensure that it complies with the decision taken today. We will continue to support local people who have been affected by any anti-social behaviour. Please get in touch by emailing us or calling 020 3962 2244.”