Many motorists and pedestrians told us how dangerous it was to cross Burwood Place when walking north on Edgware Road towards Barclays Bank. In a joint initiative with Transport for London, the footway has now been built out to make it easier for people to cross the road, with new trees and cycle parking to improve the look. Changes to Harrowby Street appear so far to be reducing traffic volumes entering residential streets like Norfolk Crescent and Porchester Place and improving cyclist and pedestrian safety. There are more improvements to come on Edgware Road – see Transport for London’s report from their consultation which took place before Christmas on improving five junctions and bringing in a 20mph limit.
Councillor Heather Acton, Edgware Road lead member at Westminster City Council (WCC), said: “We are looking forward to seeing a better, safer Edgware Road”.
WCC has also commissioned a detailed traffic study around Paddington, with input from local amenity societies.
Photo: New trees and safer footway at Burwood Place