We are pleased that local businesses, charities and organisations in Hyde Park are working together in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Age UK Westminster and St John’s Church, Hyde Park Crescent, have teamed up to provide a delivery/collection point for local food parcels, some of which have been donated by our local Waitrose on Edgware Road. Councillor Ian Adams, who is also a Trustee of Age UK Westminster, said: "During these difficult times for many older people, it’s heartening to see local organisations and volunteers coming together to help those most in need in our community."
Our City Inspectors continue to work hard during these difficult times. Premises continuing to operate when they should be closed under COVID rules have been warned. For instance, a pharmacy on Edgware Road was found to be selling fake COVID testing kits and premises found to be continuing to operate “nightly lets” which is not permitted unless they are essential workers or in an emergency situation, such as being unable to reach home.
Meanwhile, your local councillors are aware of concerns expressed on behalf of some local businesses through a petition to the Church Commission. We have had direct contact from the Church Commission which has provided some reassurance on the measures being taken to support and protect local traders on Hyde Park Estate at this very challenging time. Your local councillors will continue to monitor the situation.