Improving air quality is a key priority for Conservative-led Westminster City Council. We are working hard to make our city the greenest in the country.
Westminster developed London’s first Air Quality Action Plan. Our achievements to date include: reducing diesel emissions in neighbouring Marylebone by 11% with a diesel parking surcharge for non-residents; planting over 3000 new trees across Westminster; persuading 24,000 drivers to switch off their engines whilst parked and securing over 6,000 signatures for our #Don’tBeIdle petition to reduce car emissions in our neighbourhoods.
We have also persuaded a couple of thousand of businesses to merge their freight deliveries to get more vehicles off our roads. We work with schools both to take specific measures to help improve air quality and to make sure every pupil can help us as an air quality ambassador. Spreading the message. Next we shall be looking at ways to help residents and businesses make the buildings here in Westminster greener.
We want to do more! And you can help!
Your local Westminster Conservative Air Quality Action Team has drawn up a four-point plan and is asking local residents to join the campaign and sign up for one or more of the following:
- Westminster has more charging points than any other London Borough. But you may want more! Nominate a local lamp post for an EV charging point
- Supporting our anti-engine idling campaign by signing the Air Quality Pledge
- Become an air-monitoring volunteer to help build an air quality picture across all our streets
- Support our campaign to consult residents across Westminster on whether to introduce a parking surcharge for older diesel engines in local neighbourhoods
Show your support for our efforts to improve air quality by entering your details below: