We are proud that Westminster spends more on specialist services to help people sleeping rough than any other local authority in the country.
With our outreach teams out every night of the year and 500 hostel beds available we can find a route off the streets. Although most of those sleeping
on our streets are from outside Westminster, our new Assessment Centre also helps those on the streets access health and social support, accommodation or reconnect with their home town or country.
We have also launched our new Integrated Streets Engagement Unit to further help the most vulnerable in the city. Our innovative new approach brings together council services with local charities and the police to provide coordinated and comprehensive support for Westminster’s daytime street population; many of whom beg to fund their drug or alcohol addictions. Our new Unit provides wraparound services to help these often very troubled people to turn their lives around.
Pledge: We will continue to help those sleeping on the streets to turn their lives around.
We will also ensure our Integrated Streets Engagement Unit supports those on the streets in the daytime.
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