At the heart of serving the people of Westminster are our core values of fair, inclusive and respectful local government. Since becoming Leader over a year ago, Nickie Aiken has made it a priority to meet as many residents and community groups as possible to hear their views, ideas and concerns.
Pledge: We will continue to expand the number and type of feedback meetings local people have to tell Councillors what they want and expect from their services. We will also improve online feedback so voters tell us what they think immediately.
We have increased the number of public meetings the Council holds. This will continue if we win in May. We will create even more opportunities to make their feelings known about council initiatives.
Planning is one such area that needs reforming, to ensure residents have a bigger say, particularly in major applications and at an earlier stage, including enabling residents to speak at planning committee meetings in future.
Pledge: We will ensure that all Councillors out their duties to the highest standards. Conservative Leader, Nickie Aiken has asked the Council’s respected cross-party Standards’ Committee to review the Council’s current declaration of interest polices and consider when it is appropriate for councillors to meet with developers, lobbyists etc. and report their recommendations to the Council Meeting in July.
Pledge: To reform the planning system in Westminster
To give residents a greater say at an earlier stage and give them a voice at Planning Committees.
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